Monday, September 03, 2007

Yellow Jackets, Wasps, and Bees

It's the end of summer and it's time for all the yellow jackets and bees to go crazy. Whether it be at your end of summer picnics or at the pumpkin patch around the apple cider area, yellow jackets and bees seem to be crazy and in your face. It happens every year and there is no way around it. All you can do is try to keep the things that bees like covered and maybe try to place traps around the area. You can get yellow jacket traps or bee traps at your local hardware store or online at your favorite DIY pest control supply website, and once you have them in hand then fill them up with some apple cider or sweet treat and place them around the perimeter of the area you will be hanging out. Place them up in trees or along the roof line or along the yard perimeter. Areas like this will keep the bees far enough away from the party and hopefully away from you.


The Sisterhood said...

It is the yellow jackets and wasps that "go crazy in the fall", honey bees do not display that type of annoying behavior. We shouldn't encourage killing honey bees. Currently massive numbers of bees are dying off. We depend on bees to pollinate many of our crops. You should bee thankful for every bee you see.

Anonymous said...

You are right...colony collapse is a bad problem...honey bees will be on the endagered species list soon.