Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mosquito Safety

Mosquito safety is an important thing these days with west nile virus and other mosquito born illnesses and disease ever present. Using repellents with DEET and some of the more advanced traps out there are wise choices if spending time outside or in your back yard. You can help keep mosquitoes at bay by being diligent in making sure that there is no free standing or stagnant water around your property and if you know of abandoned houses that might have old pools it is best to report that problem to your local vector control agency.


alwoodley said...

good advice they luckily they are not too much of a problem here in the north of england.

JP McHale Pest Management Inc. said...

Staying inside during dusk and dawn is also a good idea.

Preston marrs said...

I have a fly killer that catches mosquitos now and again but you don't want one of those zappers because mosquitos and other biting insects arn't actually attracted to the ultra violet light. I think they are attracted to carbon dioxide in the breath of animals (but don't quote me on that i'm not 100% sure hehe) and pheromones. But if you get a glue board fly killer you can get glue boards that have pheremones on them that should work.

Bruce Dyson said...

I live in Houston, TX, and during the summer months, the mosquitoes here are out of control. We had a mosquito control system set up for us, and it seems to be working just fine. If it's a big problem, I'd look into it.